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BLOG: Asset, Liability and Nuisance of the human society during Corona pandemic

From the CEO's desk

Asset, Liability and Nuisance of the human society during Corona pandemic

27th MAY 2020

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are tortured enough by the lockdown and are willing to fight Corona by getting out of your (un)safe homes. It is now clear that Corona is not as deadly as its reputation created through all kinds of media. The best known remedy of Corona as of now is the Corona itself. i.e. getting infected by Corona and letting our immunity develop the antibodies. For the ones who get convinced only if the rhymes match - in Hindi reversing the letters of Corona (कोरोना) says “ना रोको” i.e. “don’t stop it” (especially when you are incapable of stopping it without creating new bigger problems). Based on this fact, we can categorize humans of the world into 3 categories -

  1. Asset
    Humans who are recovered from COVID. Now they won’t spread the disease and they won’t get infected either (from the data available and findings so far). On the contrary, these humans can continue working and supporting the economy. They can also donate their plasma for the treatment of COVID patients.
  2. Liability
    Humans who aren’t yet infected by Corona, mostly due to successfully managing to run away from the virus, so far. They can anytime get infected and pass the disease to others. They cannot even continue working normally to support the world with their full capacity. The government has to keep taking care of these people, with the tax collected from everyone.
  3. Nuisance
    Humans who take unscientific, idiotic measures to combat Corona causing trouble for others (many times going against the government’s directions in order to ease back into normal). Such measures include complete lockdown, denying entry to the housemaids, etc. Measuring body temperature of the visitors and feeling safe is the funniest bit (the WhatsApp University graduates cannot know that most of the COVID patients don’t show any symptoms, besides a high body temperature could be caused by hundreds of other reasons). It has now been proved that there is no proof of the effectiveness of the current kind of lockdown in combating Corona, on the contrary such unscientific measures definitely cause a lot of trouble and losses to the wealth as well as health of many.

All the best to everyone for getting into the “Asset” category at the earliest!

Thank you!